navomomslikeme - Meet Our Mexicali Makers 2024-06-01T17:00:00-04:00 navomomslikeme 2024-06-01T17:00:00-04:00 2024-06-27T16:40:17-04:00 Meet the Maker: Anil 🇼🇳 Afterpay Integrations Amongst the endless alleyways and streetside stalls of Jaipur, you can find Anil, surrounded by mountains of handmade textiles with a steaming cup of chai in his hand and a twinkle in his eye. This is how Mexicali founder and owner Pete found Anil on his first ever trip to India in 1996, and this is how you would find him today almost three decades later. It is said that “no friendship is an accident” and we could say the same about our business relationship with Anil and his family because with them friendship and business go hand in hand...


 (Anil & Pete in Jaipur in 1999)


Ethically made by artisans
family business internationally
artisanal production methods
70 Employees Family Business Artisanal Production


Amongst the endless alleyways and streetside stalls of Jaipur, you can find Anil, surrounded by mountains of handmade textiles with a steaming cup of chai in his hand and a twinkle in his eye. This is how Mexicali founder and owner Pete found Anil on his first ever trip to India in 1996, and this is how you would find him today almost three decades later. It is said that “no friendship is an accident” and we could say the same about our business relationship with Anil and his family because with them friendship and business go hand in hand.

(Kim, Anil, Diksha, Carly, & Pete)

Multigenerational Family Business

Outgoing, charming, and charismatic, Anil is a dedicated salesperson who could truly sell sand in the desert. Not only were we charmed, but we were taken aback by the beautiful handcrafted block prints meticulously crafted by his team of skilled artisans. Anil started working for his brother in law Gopal in his teens in the early 1980s and has been a part of the business ever since. Gopal can still be found drinking tea amongst piles of intricate patterns and handmade fabrics, but his son Nikhil has since taken the reigns of the business. Anil’s daughter Diksha also worked with the family business, but has since found her niche with her very own small scale woman-owned textile design business, which is a breath of fresh air in a historically male dominated society such as India.

(Diksha & Nikhil, the next generation) (Kim & Pete's daughter Carly, with Anil's daughters Ayisha and Diksha)


The Infamous Lobster Design

Anil is fast to say yes, and early on in our business with him he would sell us products before he had even made them, and then somehow making it work. The only time in our long history of doing business together that Anil has ever said no to an idea was when we introduced him to our now infamous lobster design. We asked his team to create a lobster block print to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of lobsters in our home state of Maine. After making some test designs, Anil repeatedly told Pete that it was a bad idea, and that the design was very ugly. To Anil and his team the lobster just looked like a big bug, but we promised them that our customers would like it. Anil and his team still don’t understand the appeal, but we sure hope you like it as much as we do!

(Amrita sewing a lobster print shirt) (The first versions of the block print lobster design) (Pete, his son Chauncey, & Anil showing off the lobster shirt)

The Ancient Art of Block Printing

Anil, Gopal, and Nikhil are helping to revive and celebrate the ancient art of Indian hand block printing. Their business empowers countless individuals and communities in and around Jaipur. The cotton pickers and the weavers are just the start, the cotton has to be boiled, cleaned, beaten, and dried in the sun. The designs are carved out of blocks of wood and hand stamped using natural dyes, thus empowering the artisans that harvest, carve, design, and stamp the product. The result is truly a colorful work of art, inspired by ancient India and full of perfectly imperfect beauty marks that help illustrate the unique origins of the product.

Learn more about the art of block printing here
(Cotton hanging to dry in the sun before being printed) (Wooden blocks used to stamp the designs)

A Family Affair

Aside from cups of chai tea, we have shared countless meals and memories with Anil and his family. From riding on human powered ferris wheels at Chokhi Dani to Holi festival celebrations, our businesses and families have both grown and grown up together. Anil and Nikhil’s youngest sons are now being groomed to join the family business, and we look forward to what the future holds. Regardless, we are sure it will be a beautiful family business built on friendship and fueled by chai tea.

(Anil with Mexicali owners Kim and Pete)

Join Carly & Diksha on a tour of the textile factory to learn more:

]]> 2024-05-01T00:00:03-04:00 2024-05-01T00:00:03-04:00 Meet the Maker: Pae đŸ‡č🇭 Chauncey Erskine

What do Harley Davidson's, long hair, and colorful tie dyes have in common? While we could be talking about the hippie heyday of the Grateful Dead at Woodstock, in this instance, the answer is our good friend and Mexicali maker Pae, located outside of Bangkok. Twenty years ago, Pae started his tie dye business in his home, employing local people and friends. Twenty years later, his business and tie dye portfolio continue to grow, and while the dying center and showroom are still at his house, he now has his cutting, sewing, drying, cleaning, washing, and drying spread out throughout the rest of the neighborhood. His business employs and empowers his community, and his vibrant tie dyes bring positive vibes to the world! In his free time, Pae likes to ride his Harley, and one day, he dreams of motorcycling across the USA. We hope to welcome him and his family to visit us in Maine one day!


Thailand, known as the land of smiles, is home to Pae and his cheerful team of tie dye makers. The joy of tie dye is not limited to those who wear it but extends to those who make it. Pae ensures his team is well-compensated and invests in the development of their local community. Many of his employees, particularly local women, benefit from flexible work schedules and on-site childcare opportunities. Whether they are tying, dying, cutting, sewing, or drying, Pae's team is always smiling and laughing, radiating colorful energy that is truly infectious, much like the power of tie dye.]]> 2024-04-30T00:00:00-04:00 2024-04-30T17:14:00-04:00 Meet the Maker: Phadet đŸ‡č🇭 Afterpay Integration

Mexicali owners Pete and Kim met Phadet over 20 years ago in the renowned Chatachuck Weekend Market, recognized as the busiest market in Thailand. We call Phadet the “king of patterns.” His unique, exotic prints of elephants, peacocks, and mandalas reflect the majestic nature and colorful culture of Thailand.  

The first time that Pete and Kim met Phadet was in 1998. They were 8,000 miles and twelve time zones away from home. They had traded in their dollars for baht, exchanged snow for sunshine, and were on the hunt for groovy goods in the “Land of Smiles.”...



Mexicali owners Pete and Kim met Phadet over 20 years ago in the renowned Chatachuck Weekend Market, recognized as the busiest market in Thailand. We call Phadet the “king of patterns.” His unique, exotic prints of elephants, peacocks, and mandalas reflect the majestic nature and colorful culture of Thailand.  


The first time that Pete and Kim met Phadet was in 1998. They were 8,000 miles and twelve time zones away from home. They had traded in their dollars for baht, exchanged snow for sunshine, and were on the hunt for groovy goods in the “Land of Smiles.” They didn’t speak more than a few words in Thai, but they spoke Smile fluently. Did we mention that they were with their three kids? At the impressionable ages of 7, 5, and 3, these blonde, bowl cut, tie dyed ducklings sawadee’d and smiled their way through the sea of stalls in amazement (sawadee khrup (m) / ka (f) - hello). 


After wandering for hours amongst the thousands of vendors that sold everything from chickens to cosmetics, the tie dye family found themselves in front of a small stall exploding with colorful clothing. A friendly face smiled out at them, and that was when we first encountered the King of Patterns. Phadet invited the family in and cleared a space for them to sit amongst the piles of textiles. Smiles took care of the language barrier, and Phadet’s fair prices and honest expression took care of the rest. As Kim and Pete started to pull out samples and discuss designs using hand gestures and a calculator to communicate, the three kids fell asleep on piles of clothing, many of which would become Phadet’s first styles sent back to Mexicali stores in Maine. 


Twenty years later, not a lot has changed. We still do business with Phadet every year, and he is still a source of calm amongst the chaos of the market. Smiles are still our main source of communication, although our technology now extends beyond calculators and into Whatsapp and emojis. Phadet’s honesty, integrity, and creativity are still reflected in his vibrant designs, fair prices, and the way he runs his family business. The only real difference is that Chauncey, Carly, and Caleb no longer take naps on stacks of clothing in his stall.


In Thailand, there’s a famous saying, “Same, Same, But Different.” We look forward to continuing our relationship with Phadet and how, over the next twenty years, our family businesses and our friendship will grow and change in a same, same, but different kind of way.



]]> 2024-03-01T06:30:00-05:00 2024-03-26T13:51:19-04:00 Meet the Maker: LaLa 🇼🇳 Chauncey Erskine India is a country full of hustle and bustle, brimming with all forms of sensory stimulation, steeped in culture, simmered in exotic flavors and chalk full of a colorful cast of characters. Lala is the perfect cross section of all of the wonder that incredible India has to offer when you seek it out. Lala approaches business as he does family, with care, respect and support. He is the de facto face of the manufacturing enterprise that he started with two brothers, and his charismatic personality and aesthetic eye help him excel in that role. He aspires to backpack across the United States within the next decade, and we are excited to welcome him to Maine when he makes his dream come true...



]]> 2024-02-01T06:00:00-05:00 2024-02-29T16:59:20-05:00 Meet the Maker: ImteyazđŸ‡łđŸ‡” Afterpay Integration Mexicali owners Kim and Pete first met Imteyaz at his original location on the main drag of Thamel in the touristic center of Kathmandu in the 2000s. Picture a bustling scene that looks more like a Shakedown Street outside of a Grateful Dead show than a conventional cityscape. Imteyaz' beaming smile and groovy goods peered out from a small shop jam packed with colorful clothing reminiscent of Sunshine Daydreams. Since, Imteyaz has moved onto a much larger shop but her still has a fair few Steal Your Face Patches and Dancing Bear designs leftover, evidence of the "Hippie Trail" of yesteryear that put Kathmandu's counterculture on the map. It's fitting that we found each other, Imteyaz' designs perfectly complement a hippie store named after a Grateful Dead song such as navomomslikeme...



(Imtyaz' daughter Nadya, Carly, Pete, Imteyaz, Suong, Chauncey, Kim)


The Shakedown Street of Nepal

Mexicali owners Kim and Pete first met Imteyaz at his original location on the main drag of Thamel in the touristic center of Kathmandu in the 2000s. Picture a bustling scene that looks more like a Shakedown Street outside of a Grateful Dead show than a conventional cityscape. Imteyaz' beaming smile and groovy goods peered out from a small shop jam packed with colorful clothing reminiscent of Sunshine Daydreams. Since, Imteyaz has moved onto a much larger shop but her still has a fair few Steal Your Face Patches and Dancing Bear designs leftover, evidence of the "Hippie Trail" of yesteryear that put Kathmandu's counterculture on the map. It's fitting that we found each other, Imteyaz' designs perfectly complement a hippie store named after a Grateful Dead song such as navomomslikeme.


An Eye for Psychedelic Designs

Once we came to know Imteyaz, we really came to love him and his infectious energy! While he's a big guy, he's soft-spoken with a melodious voice, and an incredible laugh, the kind you can't help but join in on. Creative and passionate about his textile art, Imteyaz is also an amazing listener and applies that to crafting unique fashion with Mexicali customers in mind. Every trip to Nepal we craft samples together, and after so many sessions of bouncing ideas off of one another he has a keen understanding of what our customers are looking for. Our designs often align and he will tweak them and improve upon them, creating the perfect item we didn't realize we had been wishing for! 

Second Generation Family Business x2

In one of life's symbolic circles Imteyaz is now working with his daughter Nadya, just as Kim and Pete are working with their daughter Carly. It's so special to develop a deep connection with someone and then to pass that off to the next generation, and it's these connections that make buying for navomomslikeme a labor of love. 

Community Minded

Imteyaz employees and empowers 78 employees, most of whom are makers in his factory. Something unrelated to work specifically, but which we really admire about Imteyaz, is his dedication to his family and community. The closest mosque is miles away, so he created a prayer room in the back of his shop where locals can come to pray throughout the day. At first we were so confused by all the people who were walking in and out of the shop but not stopping to look at any clothing! When Imteyaz told us what they were doing, we couldn't help but be impressed at how he was using part of his shop-space to help others. Not only is he one of our favorite clothing creators due to his amazing design skills, but he is someone we are proud to call a friend!


]]> 2024-01-02T10:25:08-05:00 2024-02-13T14:22:46-05:00 Meet the Maker: Puru đŸ‡łđŸ‡” Chauncey Erskine  

“In this global age, when technology has already reached the height of Mars, some people are working with their hands and weaving and crafting warm clothes for us: isn't this unique and special? I think so. This is a really humbling experience to wear these handicrafts.” - Puroshottam


Puru (left), Subodh (center), Pete (right) 


“In this global age, when technology has already reached the height of Mars, some people are working with their hands and weaving and crafting warm clothes for us: isn't this unique and special? I think so. This is a really humbling experience to wear these handicrafts.”

- Puroshottam


Fresh Mountain Air, Sunlight, Birdsong, A New Factory

Nestled high above the city on the outskirts of Kathmandu you will find Puru and his family’s new wool factory. The beautiful site sits between a mushroom farm and a sprawling view of the Kathmandu Valley to the south, and the base of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park to the north. The fresh mountain air and birdsong are a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city, and their factory is full of colorful wool fibers, natural sunlight, and cheerful faces. Happy employees and healthy work conditions are spun into the fibers of all of their beautiful handmade wool garments, resulting in products that look good and empower the local community.


The navomomslikeme team visiting a factory in Nepal

(Chauncey and Puru overlooking the valley towards Kathmandu)


Meet Purushottam 

Born and raised in Kathmandu, Purushottam, or Puru, is a family man, an avid reader, a naturalist, and a spiritual practitioner. As a lover of both words and birds, the natural setting of their new factory is the perfect place for his ever growing family, his family business, his expanding library, his newfound hobby of wild bird photography, and his ongoing spiritual practice.

A True Family Business

 After graduating with a degree in English literature, Puru was invited to join the wool trade by his brother-in-law who started the business. Fast forward 15 years and now Puru is the production manager, his brother Subodh is the marketing director, and his sister Bandana and brother in law Diwakar are the directors. Not only do they run the company together, but their families also live and raise their children together in the close-knit community that they have created. 


Hand Loomed & Handmade 

Puru’s favorite Mexicali products are the new Bheda Mexicali Wool Hoodie Jacket and all of the colorful wool hats handmade in their facotyr. “These products are either hand loomed or handmade. So, these are special products. There is the direct touch of many people in any one product.” We agree that what makes these products special is the story that is spun into every one.


A worker weaving wool in the sunlight for one of our Mexicali wool hoodie jackets

(a seamstress finishing a green Mexicali Wool Hoodie Jacket in the sunshine)


Made with love from New Zealand to Kathmandu

Each product is designed, crafted, and created with love. All of the raw wool is shorn by certified cruelty-free shearers in New Zealand before it is shipped to Nepal. Next, the wool is sorted and spun, while masters create designs at their factory. Then the wool is brought to to the homes of hundreds of local women in the surrounding community. These women are able to choose their own hours in which to knit the wool into the beautiful patterns and decorative details that you see in our stores. The products are then returned to the factory for fleece lining, finishing, and quality control. The whole process is a labor of love that positively impacts the local community on various levels, and the result is a quality and attention to detail that you can see in every stitch if you look close enough. 

navomomslikeme family visiting a fair trade factory in Nepal along with their workers

(a crew of masters, designers, seamstresses, along with Puru, Subodh, Chauncey, & Carly)


Empowering Communities Through Employment

All of their employees live in the surrounding community, and Puru’s family business supports 35 skilled makers, 200 knitters, as well as countless other individuals along the supply chain. Locally, their business positively affects women who are able to work flexible hours and earn money from home while taking care of their families. This allows these women to gain financial independence that would be otherwise unattainable in conventional employment. All of their employees are paid fair wages in happy and healthy work environments, and the financial freedom that their jobs provide them in turn positively benefits the local community. The impact that is harder to calculate, the happiness of the employees, can be seen and felt, and we know that this positivity energetically resonates through the community as well.

Chauncey, Puru, Carly and Subodh Mexicali family business

(Siblings Chauncey and Carly with siblings Puru and Subodh in a celebration of intergenerational family business)


“Know Thyself”

Above is a quote that Puru lives by, “This is my motto. Trying to understand oneself may or may not bring liberation but that will certainly make my life easier and I will not be a nuisance to others- I hope!” In Puru’s pursuit of knowing himself, he and his family have helped create a work environment that inspires and empowers all of their employees while positively impacting the local community. navomomslikeme is excited to continue to support other family businesses, like Puru’s, around the world that are actively evolving, learning, and changing in order to use their business as a force for good.


]]> 2023-09-01T14:00:00-04:00 2024-03-26T13:52:05-04:00 Meet The Maker: SujhađŸ‡łđŸ‡” Chauncey Erskine Sujha is not just a great designer, he is also a yogi, a father, an avid naturalist, and is very involved in giving back to his employees and local community. He also has a bountiful organic garden on the outskirts of Kathmandu, well beyond the ring road, on its very own “chakra path” where he sometimes leads spiritual retreats. Together with Sujha and his talented makers we crafted a line of retro inspired designs using deadstock corduroy and tie dye denim. We named the Tokha Line after the Tokha Road where it was created and all of the people that helped us create it...


(Pete, Kim, Sujha, Chauncey, Rama, & Carly at Sujha's makerspace)


The mountainous city of Kathmandu is circled by the Chakra Path ring road, an elliptical 8 eight lane thoroughfare that surrounds the ancient city. The Chakra Path is a hustling and bustling mass of colorful painted diesel trucks and buses, cars of all shapes and colors, motorcycles, rickshaws, bicycles, monkeys, dogs, and the occasional psychedelic tractor. Intersecting the ring road is the Tokha road, where you can find Sujha and all of his makers. With an eye for funky designs and a love for patterns and textures of all sorts, Sujha leads a group of masters and makers that are European Fair Trade Certified.

Sujha is not just a great designer, he is also a yogi, a father, an avid naturalist, and is very involved in giving back to his employees and local community. He also has a bountiful organic garden on the outskirts of Kathmandu, well beyond the ring road, on its very own “chakra path” where he sometimes leads spiritual retreats. Together with Sujha and his talented makers we crafted a line of retro inspired designs using deadstock corduroy and tie dye denim. We named the Tokha Line after the Tokha Road where it was created and all of the people that helped us create it.  

What is deadstock, you might ask? Deadstock is leftover fabric from designers and fashion houses. Due to small quantities, deadstock is often thrown away in landfills, or builds up dust and cobwebs in abandoned warehouses. Utilizing deadstock fabric is a way of overcoming fast fashion, making the most of materials that would otherwise be ignored or abandoned. Not only did we use deadstock material in this line, we also asked Sujha to upcycle all of the corduroy fabric scraps into our Tokha Patchwork Corduroy Vest and Tokha Patchwork Bucket Hat.  

Check out the rest of our Mexicali Colorblock Corduroy from Sujha and his makers or align your energy and check out our Chakra Collection. Maybe you want to mix and match some more of our Patchwork Clothing or check out our eco-minded Upcycled, Recycled, and Reclaimed wares from around the world. We hope that you find your own “chakra path” whether it’s high in the Himalayas, on the ocean, in a city, or in the forest.


Namaste 🙏
]]> 2023-08-02T11:30:01-04:00 2024-07-08T14:15:33-04:00 Meet the Maker: Rohit đŸ‡łđŸ‡” Chauncey Erskine
Mexicali co-owners Pete and Kim Erskine met Rohit when meandering through the ancient streets of Kathmandu. His smile is infectious, as is his youthful energy and passion for the beautiful cotton products he makes alongside his father, Bal Krishna, sister Rachana, and mother, Tara. When Pete & Kim’s children joined them in Nepal on their next trip, one of their first trips was to meet Rohit and visit his family’s workshop, uniting the younger generations of two family businesses over smiles and stories...


(Rohit in one of his Poet Shirts at Swayambhunath Temple)


Ethically made by artisans
family business internationally
artisanal production methods
38 Employees Family Business Artisanal Production

Nepal is home to 1,310 different mountains, 129 different languages, 59 indigenous populations, 8 of the highest peaks in the world, and some of the friendliest people on the planet. Rohit and his family are Mexicali’s newest makers in Nepal, and we are excited to see how our family businesses grow and evolve together over the coming years. Rohit works hand in hand with his parents Bal Krishna and Tara, as well as his sister Rachana and her husband Nischal. We are proud to support their family business, their community and their employees, and above all else are happy to call Rohit and his family our friends.

(Nischal, Rohit, Pete, Kim, Bal Krishna, Chauncey & Carly enjoying a traditional Newari meal)

co-owners Pete and Kim Erskine met Rohit when meandering through the ancient streets of Kathmandu. His smile is infectious, as is his youthful energy and passion for the beautiful ethically made cotton products that he and his family produce. When Pete & Kim’s children Chauncey & Carly joined them in Nepal on their next trip, one of their first trips was to meet Rohit and visit his family’s workshop. This trip united the younger generations of two family businesses, and we look forward to continuing this relationship over smiles and stories for many moons to come.

Mexicali Maker Rohit in Kathmandu with the Erskine family
(Left: Mexicali owners Kim & Pete with Rohit; Right: Carly & Chauncey with Rohit above the Kathmandu skyline)

Rohit moved back to Kathmandu after graduating from University in India and joined forces with his sister to start a clothing business in 2020. Their father, Bal Krishna, had spent the past 30 years working in textiles as a designer, manager, and maker, and he agreed to help them with some of the production practices. Luckily, many women who worked with Bal Krishna years ago returned to help the family grow their new business. Rohit’s family, in turn, provides for them and their families, assisting them with accommodation, education, and fair compensation. The excitement and energy is very apparent in all of the makers, and the pride for the products they create. Their workspace is full of sunshine, smiles, and colorful designs.


A group of smiling women workers with Mexicali owners Kim & Carly Erskine at a Mexicali maker space cotton production site in Kathmandy, Nepal(Carly & Kim with a crew of female makers at Rohit's workspace)


Youthful energy is slowly transforming the nation of Nepal as the cultural tides are shifting and more opportunities are opening up for the younger generation of Nepalis. You can feel the winds of change in the crisp Himalayan breeze sweeping through the ancient gabled rooftops of hillside temples and through the hustle and bustle of the ever-developing eight-lane Ring Road that circles the city. You can see it in the architecture, with bamboo ladders juxtaposed against steel and glass structures, and in the art as ancient Thangka mandalas give way to more modern murals. You can hear it in the music that fills the air, with traditional Nepali folk passing the mic to rock riffs and rap beats. The current Mayor of Kathmandu, Balen Shah, became the youngest and first-ever independent Mayor of the capital at 33 years old. Shah took an alternative entrance to politics, using his political rap and social media presence as his podium to appeal to the younger voters.


ï»ż(Rohit, Chauncey, Kim, & Pete all smiles with the snowcapped Himalayan mountain range in the background)


Rohit embodies this youthful energy with his modern style, adventurous spirit, calm, cool, and collected charm. He loves to ride his Royal Enfield motorcycle outside of the Ring Road, above the hillside temples, and adventure amongst the foothills of the Himalayas. Nature is his special place; he looks forward to giving back to the land that has given him so much. He and his sister Rachana have been developing new ideas and designs, with plans to plant their own organic cotton crop to use in their clothing. On our last trip to Nepal, Carly and Chauncey spent a couple of evenings with Rohit checking out the local music scene and belting out classic rock at a karaoke bar. Not only is Rohit a great clothing designer, but he can also do Freddie Mercury justice when singing “Don’t Stop Me Now.” The evening was a perfect beginning for two families from across the world, uniting and celebrating fresh, youthful energy while respecting the tradition, culture, and legacy of their respective family businesses.



]]> 2023-07-18T16:20:00-04:00 2024-02-13T14:22:22-05:00 Meet The Maker: Pepen đŸ‡źđŸ‡© Chauncey Erskine The Republic of Indonesia is comprised of 270,000,000 people, 17,508 islands, 700 languages, 34 provinces, and an incredibly diverse selection of flora and fauna. In all of this, we were incredibly lucky to have met Pepen on our first-ever trip to the beautiful Indonesian island of Bali 22 years ago. A good friend put us in contact with him, and many moons, thousands of garments, and uncountable smiles later, we still see him every year and consider him a good family friend and business associate. His Batik textiles are unrivaled in their artistic beauty, and his aura is comforting, welcoming, and genuine...


ï»ż(above photo: Pete and Pepen on Pepen's family farm in Bali)


The Republic of Indonesia is comprised of 270,000,000 people, 17,508 islands, 700 languages, 34 provinces, and an incredibly diverse selection of flora and fauna. In all of this, we were incredibly lucky to have met Pepen on our first-ever trip to the beautiful Indonesian island of Bali 22 years ago. A good friend put us in contact with him, and many moons, thousands of garments, and uncountable smiles later, we still see him every year and consider him a good family friend and business associate. His Batik textiles are unrivaled in their artistic beauty, and his aura is comforting, welcoming, and genuine. 

Pepen has a joyful laugh that is contagious to all those around him and when we are doing business together, laughter is booming! He lives with and manages his business with the help of all of his extended family members and is an incredibly active member of his local community. He gives back through time and leadership in a number of local organizations, and hires community members in his artistic fabrication studios. The result is a friendly and fun workplace that invests heavily in the local community and preservation of local customs and traditions.

Pepen takes pride in the consistency and care that goes into all of the batik garments that he crafts, and the attention to detail and artistry is unmistakable. This is the first year that we have been unable to visit Pepen and when Kim messaged him, “We miss your smile,” he responded with, “don’t worry, my smile is still here.” We look forward to sharing more smiles, and to continuing to share Pepen’s family’s artistry with everyone in the navomomslikeme family.


Watch Pepen and his makers explain how to make batik in this video...

]]> 2022-08-15T16:30:01-04:00 2024-02-13T14:20:56-05:00 Meet The Maker: Kai & Natna đŸ‡č🇭 Afterpay Integration

Kai & Natna are two lovely buddhist women who made their way to Thailand from Myanmar via the "Friendship Bridge" that connects the two countries in search of opportunity. They ended up in Bangkok, one of the busiest and arguably the craziest city in the world, and it is there that they found their talents in the textile business. They worked hard to get to the place that they are today, and their wonderful senses of style have culminated in their unique sense of design that brings elegance and eccentricity to the fashion industry. 

Carly and Kim, our own dynamic duo, love working, laughing and sharing ideas with Kai and Natna. Most of the time they are together they are all sitting on the floor throwing ideas and samples around to see what sticks. "Kai and Natna are no-nonsense, and will tell us if our designs are bad, then we will giggle it all away and start from scratch." - Kim Erskine



Kai, Kim, Natna, Carly, and Pete

Thailand is an incredible country full of tuk tuks, stunning white sand beaches, ancient temples, and other cultural delicacies, all simmered in coconut milk and fresh spices. Thailand relies heavily on tourism to provide opportunities for its people and has become the most celebrated vacation nation in Southeast Asia for the last forty years. Myanmar, formerly Burma, is an equally amazing country that is far less developed and far less touristic, as it only fully opened its borders to international travel and trade in the 21st century. Both countries share a strong sense of culture that is rooted in Dharma, karma, and religion, tied into the teachings of the Buddha.

Kai & Natna are two lovely buddhist women who made their way to Thailand from Myanmar via the "Friendship Bridge" that connects the two countries in search of opportunity. They ended up in Bangkok, one of the busiest cities in the world, and it is there that they found their talents in the textile business. They worked hard to get to the place that they are today, and their wonderful senses of style have culminated in their unique sense of design that brings elegance and eccentricity to the fashion industry.

Carly and Kim, our own dynamic duo, love working, laughing and sharing ideas with Kai and Natna. Most of the time they are together they are all sitting on the floor throwing ideas and samples around to see what sticks. "Kai and Natna are no-nonsense, and will tell us if our designs are bad, then we will giggle it all away and start from scratch." - Kim Erskine

We love supporting all types of businesses all over the world, but we are especially proud to be able to support Kai & Natna's female owned business. 

Their balance of servicing both their wholesale and retail customers in their small Bangkok shop is a testament to what hard workers they are, and the fruit of their labor flows back across the Friendship Bridge to Myanmar as they both support their families and their Buddhist temples back home. Like most wholesalers in Bangkok, they have clients from all around the world. Over the years they have grown to know our styles and customers, and always have awesome things in mind to show us that are aligned with the Mexicali vibe. We look forward to many more giggles and many more designs in the coming years!

Check out Kai and Natna's creations here


three smiling ladies doing business together in Thailand

]]> 2022-01-06T09:30:01-05:00 2024-02-13T14:21:21-05:00 Meet the Maker: Dallas 🌈 Chauncey Erskine

“The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a painter. Later, it was a writer. I try to keep art in my life, and channel that appreciation for beauty and self expression. It gives me the courage I had as a kid, when anything was possible, my dreams were big, and I wanted to be Picasso. “

The art of tie dye is a recent addition to Dallas’ life, and it wasn’t always sunshine daydreams. Dallas willingly admits that her first forays into tie dying as a child were underwhelming, and her first shirt was “sort of a faint blue nothing,” but good designs come to those that wait...



“Tie dye is color, joy, experimentation, wearing your heart on your sleeve (literally!). The tie dye tribe is a good vibe tribe ✌” 

We are over the moon to introduce you to our newest maker Dallas, a bright soul brimming with positive vibes whose glass is half full, and we would be willing to bet our socks it's tie dyed.  Dallas is originally from planet earth, New Jersey to be exact, but her education took her into orbit around the big apple where she ended up for the beginning of her professional life. Eventually, her satellite was drawn in by the loving gravity of family and she ended up in Neptune, New Jersey which she now calls home.

Dallas’ introduction to tie dye was through her dad, a self-proclaimed “Dead Head Emeritus” who wore his love for the band on his sleeve, and on his t-shirts. Dallas’ was enchanted by the dancing bears, the bright colors, and quickly became a sunshine daydreamer. Whereas Dallas has always loved colors (p.s. her favorite color is Turquoise), she has her Gratefully Deadicated dad to thank for starting her on her artistic path with a colorful palette in hand.

“The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a painter. Later, it was a writer. I try to keep art in my life, and channel that appreciation for beauty and self expression. It gives me the courage I had as a kid, when anything was possible, my dreams were big, and I wanted to be Picasso."

The art of tie dye is a recent addition to Dallas’ life, and it wasn’t always sunshine daydreams. Dallas willingly admits that her first forays into tie dying as a child were underwhelming, and her first shirt was “sort of a faint blue nothing,” but good designs come to those that wait. A few years ago she bought a tie dye kit and dove back into the colorful art with her kids. Whereas they got bored after one dye, Dallas couldn’t get enough of it and found herself rummaging through the house looking for any light colored fabrics to dye and beautify. In an effort to get the last drops of color out of the kit, she happened upon a pair of her husband’s socks and
 voila, a lightbulb moment that led to a career change and countless happy dancing feet from Neptune to Maine!

While Dallas does admit that in fashion there is such a thing as too much color, her beautiful bright tie dye socks are the perfect “#lowkeyflex.” There's nothing like a little tie dye rainbow in your boots on a rainy day, or a splash of color tucked away beneath the hem of your pants for when you need it most. Each pair of her socks is accompanied by a unique hand collaged message that will further help brighten your day, and we thank Dallas for shining her light on this world through her art.


Oh, did we mention that the aforementioned loving family gravity also pulls Dallas all the way up to Bangor, Maine to visit her aunt and uncle? Below you will see her (right) accompanied by our equally awesome manager Julie (left) in front of a psychedelic sock display in the Bangor store. Neptune is only four planets away from earth, and Maine is only four states away from New Jersey.  Is that a sign from the cosmos? We have only had Dallas as a maker for just under a year, but she has been shopping with us for over a decade and feels like an old friend. You know what they say
 the tie dye tribe is a good vibe tribe, and we’re excited to be dancing under the same moon as Dallas with some splashes of color keeping our soles stylish and our souls inspired ✌


Shop Dallas' colorful line of groovy tie dye socks here ⭐
]]> 2021-12-08T10:30:06-05:00 2024-02-13T14:20:41-05:00 Meet the Maker: Deepak 🇼🇳 Chauncey Erskine Deepak is a thoughtful man with kind eyes, a big heart, and a bright smile. Deriving from Sanskrit “source of light,” Deepak (à€Šà„€à€Șà€• ) is a Hindi word that literally translates to “lamp,” and it couldn’t be a better name for a human who shines their light so brightly on the world. Did we mention his poetic passion for making beautiful five point and seven point paper star lanterns?



Deepak is a thoughtful man with kind eyes, a big heart, and a bright smile. Deriving from Sanskrit “source of light,” Deepak (à€Šà„€à€Șà€• ) is a Hindi word that literally translates to “lamp,” and it couldn’t be a better name for a human who shines their light so brightly on the world. Did we mention his poetic passion for making beautiful five point and seven point paper star lanterns? We didn’t know anything about the meaning of his name when a friend first introduced us in 1998, but we did drink chai, share laughter, do business, and become friends. Over 20 years later this friendship has led to many more cups of chai, picnics in the park, lots more laughter, and a strong business relationship that continues to evolve. 

Deepak doesn’t just shine his light on the city where he lives, but he seeks out artisans in rural areas of India to help make his handicrafts. As such, his craft empowers and employs countless communities all over the country. The attention to detail that is reflected in their handiwork results in products that are as beautiful as they are unique. We are proud to partner with makers like Deepak who celebrate the cultural traditions of their goods and enable us to responsibly share them with the world. 

Deepak is one of the many sources of Mexicali’s SMILE, not to mention being one of our main sources of light. Growing our businesses together, and watching our friendship flourish over the past 23 years has been incredible, and we look forward to sharing many more stories and smiles, and to continuing to illuminate the world with our ever brightening light.

Have Deepak’s paper star lanterns, ceramic knobs, or hooks ever brightened up your bedroom or beautified your business? Show us your starry lights and tag us @mexicaliblues ⭐

Shop Deepak's collection here ⭐


]]> 2021-10-25T17:00:18-04:00 2024-02-13T14:20:29-05:00 Meet the Maker: Nicole đŸŒČ Chauncey Erskine Nicole has been sharing her artistic slices of the wild with the world for many moons and finds inspiration in everything from the smallest jaunt through the woods to summiting the highest mountain peak in the range, from a mushroom growing on the trail to an ever changing wave on the ocean. We are over the moon to have teamed up with her and to be able to help showcase her artistry to the world! From her graphic tees to her stickers, her artwork now takes the form of slices of wild that you can wear on an adventure or stick onto your gear. Who knows what kind of awesomeness future collaborations might bring?


“The Mountains are MAGIC to me! They have a way of making me feel so small and huge at the same time! They give us the opportunity to get such an expansive view around us and I like to take the view I see from the top and turn my gaze inward and catch glimpses of the unseen places in myself and acknowledge the beauty there.” - Wildslice

Nicole has been sharing her artistic slices of the wild with the world for many moons and finds inspiration in everything from the smallest jaunt through the woods to summiting the highest mountain peak in the range, from a mushroom growing on the trail to an ever changing wave on the ocean. We are over the moon to have teamed up with her and to be able to help showcase her artistry to the world! From her graphic tees to her stickers, her artwork now takes the form of slices of wild that you can wear on an adventure or stick onto your gear. Who knows what kind of awesomeness future collaborations might bring?

The name Wildslice comes from cookies, cookies of the woods to be exact. Nicole and her partner used to cut up fallen logs they found in the forest into age-telling ovals and use them to create organic sculptures and wall art. These wood cookies were the original slices of wild, and they led to her artistic inspiration as well as her name. The cookies led to sketching which naturally led to painting, and most recently she has acquired a kiln and dove headfirst into throwing pottery. 

Regardless of the art form, her work uses intricate organic lines to reimagine nature. She starts with the mountains as her muses and puts pen to paper, then she scans the artwork to a computer and digitizes it so she can turn it into stickers and apparel. This awesome merch spans from the funky Wild Mushroom design that showcases our favorite foragable friends, to the Poseidon the Octopus design that celebrates the most intelligent and mysterious creature in the ocean. Not to mention Campervans and Mermaids and Moons, did we mention Sasquatch? There's a little slice of nature for everyone. Nature was the entryway to Nicole’s artistic expression and whether she is paddling, boarding, hiking, camping, or just relaxing, nature is a consistent source of creative inspiration. 

Nicole has been shopping with Mexicali for many moons as well, and her favorite purchase is a reclining Buddha that in her words, “reminds me to just chill and live my life in a way that works best for me.” She is also a big fan of travel and has taken many adventures all throughout the US to find her favorite slices. These travels led to a sticker series that she released of artistic representations of all 50 states, our favorite is the State of Maine one, but we’re biased. 

Check out our WILD SLICE COLLECTION to get your own little slice of the wild.]]> 2021-09-09T16:00:01-04:00 2024-02-13T14:17:17-05:00 Meet the Maker: Fernando đŸ‡”đŸ‡Ș Chauncey Erskine Peru is a place of wonder, marinated in the magical history of the ancient Mayan civilization, full of archaeological bounty, and brimming with natural beauty all the way from the beautiful Andes to the Amazon. It is also home to one of our oldest friends and vendors, Fernando. Fernando first came to Maine to study abroad in high school, and not knowing what he would encounter, he packed his bags full of Peruvian jewelry. Using his charm he quickly sold it all and recognized that there was a market for South American wares in Maine, and asked his family to send him more. It was during this time that Fernando met Eric, one of the original co-founders of Mexicali, and the rest is history...


Peru is a place of wonder, marinated in the magical history of the ancient Mayan civilization, full of archaeological bounty, and brimming with natural beauty from the beautiful Andes to the Amazon. It is also home to one of our oldest friends and vendors, Fernando. Fernando first came to Maine to study abroad in high school, and, not knowing what he would encounter, he packed his bags full of Peruvian jewelry. Using his charm, he quickly sold it all and recognized a market for South American wares in the Northeast, and asked his family to send him more. During this time, Fernando met Eric, one of the original co-founders of Mexicali, and the rest is history. Thanks to Fernando, Mexicali has been carrying groovy goods from Peru since the first year they opened. Over the past thirty-three years, this business handshake has turned into a hug, and these hugs have taken the form of hand-kit alpaca sweaters that are as cozy as they are beautiful. 

Fernando is an avid surfer, tennis player, and dancer. In fact, when he first moved to Maine, he had a disco in his basement. Now he spends his time split between here and there, dancing between the land of lobster and the land of alpaca, working with friends and family to send beautiful handicrafts back to vacationland. He runs his export business with his son Fernando, and together they keep a steady supply of Peruvian jewelry and Alpaca sweaters to Mexicali and much of Maine along with the help of two friends, Alejandro & Cesar in Lima. Together, they create and curate some of the highest quality, and most comfortable Alpaca sweaters in the world. "Why do you need an alpaca sweater?", you may ask. If you know, you know, and you don't need one, you need at least two. Find one of Fernando's beautiful Peruvian alpaca sweaters here (¥aqui!).

We look forward to many more years of business with Fernando and Fernando, and to our families working together to bring a splash of South American style to the state of Maine and beyond. 

]]> 2020-01-02T11:47:00-05:00 2024-01-25T16:39:02-05:00 MEXICALI MAKER: RABI, NEPAL Afterpay Integration

Riya (Rabi's daughter), Rabi, Pete, and Carly (Pete's daughter). As a family-run business ourselves, we love working with other families!

 We met Mexicali maker Rabi over 20 years ago in Nepal, through a mutual friend who knew we would get along famously. Our friend was right, as Rabi is an awesome person to work with and (like us) loves to have FUN! Outside of our long working relationship, we've enjoyed many day trips and adventures with Rabi, attending parties and being welcomed to community events, celebrating Buddha's birthday, and gathering at his house to try his mom's famous raksi moonshine! 

While we would be happy just to call Rabi our friend, he is also someone we are incredibly proud to work with, as the quality of his creations is top-notch and he is very committed to creating a positive work environment for his employees. The fleece-lined wool accessories we get from Rabi are crafted in knitting circles rather than in a factory environment, which allows the artisans to spend more time with their children and complete their craft in a laid-back family-friendly environment. Rabi is known for treating his employees so well that they usually stay working with him for many years. The area where he lives is well-known for wool crafts, and there are many businesses talented knitters could work for, so that's saying something!

We look forward to many more years of working and adventures with Rabi, and continuing to share the fleece-lined wool awesomeness he and his artisan crew create with you! 

]]> 2019-10-02T13:12:00-04:00 2024-01-03T17:31:21-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: RAJ + CB, INDIA Afterpay Integration
The old adage is true: time really flies when you're having fun! We've been friends with (and buying beautiful jewelry from) CB and Raj for over 20 years. We first met these awesome gentlemen in a colorful and chaotic marketplace, where we were drawn to them by their calm and positive attitudes in the midst of so much noise. While the vendors around them were loudly hawking their wares, CB and Raj's smiles and the excellent quality of their jewelry spoke even louder.
As we've worked and spent time with them over the years, we've come to really appreciate their consistency, kindness, and creativity in jewelry-making. Their jewelry is certified Fair Trade in Europe, and we love knowing that they believe in the importance of running a business that is up to fair trade standards, with a healthy and happy working environment where workers are paid fairly for the amazing work they do! 

In working with these two for so long, we have also spent a lot of time with them outside of the shop, and we love that we often go out to dinner or adventuring around town with them whenever we visit.  A couple of years ago, we noticed a picture of the four of us from 1997 (over 22 years ago!) hanging on their wall, and we were so honored and delighted that we just had to reenact it. Our long-running relationship with Raj and CB is based on a deep mutual respect, and it makes us feel so happy in our hearts to know that our relationship is special to them too!

]]> 2019-09-04T13:31:00-04:00 2024-01-24T15:32:49-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: MAOR & ELINOR, THAILAND Afterpay Integration Meet the makers Maor, Elinor, and their wonderful staff of talented artisans! We always go to a special market in Bangkok that is a “hot spot” for international buyers looking for unique and non-mainstream clothing. There are a lot of vendors selling funky and off-beat styles with bold patterns and colors, often popular among European buyers. We’ve always enjoyed perusing these awesome clothing collections to get a sense of the newest styles and trends! Years ago, while waiting for an invoice from a long time supplier, we started chatting with the vendor next door—Elinor! She was new and just starting out, and fun conversation easily flowed. She welcomed us into her shop and showed us new and eclectic styles that were not displayed out front because other vendors had started copying her unique designs. In our talk, we found that we had mutual friends in the business. We started with one small order and have grown with them over the years!

It has been a joy working with Elinor and her partner Maor as their business has expanded from that small storefront to their current large sunlit factory, which provides good paying jobs and a positive working environment to many local people! As well as loving the awesomeness of their designs, we really appreciate that Elinor and Maor are so passionate about the ethical production of their products!

]]> 2019-03-14T14:22:00-04:00 2024-02-13T14:21:43-05:00 Meet The Maker: Nyoman đŸ‡źđŸ‡© Emma McCabe Meet Nyoman, the talented woman behind many of our hand painted batik designs! Join the navomomslikeme owners, Pete and Kim, as Nyoman takes us on a tour of her workplace and shows us how her gorgeous one of a kind textiles are crafted. In this video she walks us through the process of creating a hand painted sarong - a popular item we’ve carried for many years.


Meet Nyoman, the talented woman behind many of our hand painted batik designs! Not only is Nyoman an incredible artist, Nyoman has been leading a team of artists and artisans in Bali for over a decade. Join the navomomslikeme owners, Pete and Kim, as Nyoman takes us on a tour of her workplace and shows us how her gorgeous one of a kind textiles are crafted. In this video she walks us through the process of creating a hand painted batik textile - a popular item we’ve carried for many years.

Thinking back, Kim muses, “I remember when we discovered Nyoman, we were on a motorbike headed to a market outside of town and I spied some great hand painted chakra flags and wall hangings. I made Pete turn around!"


Carly, Nyoman, and Kim in Bali.

Carly, Nyoman, and Kim in 2018.

“Upon entering Nyoman’s shop we were greeted with a huge smile and welcomed as if we had been working with her for years. We started with a small order, which was no problem for her because she knew that her quality and attention to detail would keep us coming back with more and more orders. Nyoman’s beautiful smile and personality radiates happiness, kindness, and a feeling of being in the ‘now’.”

With so many talented artists in Bali and everywhere our team travels to, we have one simple rule when it comes to who we choose to work with. If they’re smiling and in good spirits, then we know it’s the right match. We instantly could tell that Nyoman and her family would be the makers we wanted to collaborate with when we met her about ten years ago in the market we almost zoomed right past.



And thank goodness we did turn around that day! With over 30 years of experience in batiking, Nyoman has helped us design one of a kind pieces and she even helps us pick out colors–which can be so difficult when they’re all SO gorgeous! She has a certain way of making you feel that you are the only one that matters, even though you know she has many other buyers she is creating for.

The hand painting of all her textiles is all done at her family compound in Ubud. Families in Bali usually live communally with extended family all living close by. You can see in the video that their home is beautiful and filled with joy. Their deity is established in the center of the courtyard and watches over all of them and offers protection and good fortune.

]]> 2019-03-13T07:30:00-04:00 2024-01-24T15:36:40-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: AYU, BALI Afterpay Integration

On a morning walk in Bali, after having finished our buying, Pete spied some brightly colored batik “party shirts”. We were nearly out of time and had already used up our whole budget, but he said, "We HAVE to find a way to fit this happy clothing in!" Determined to get these into the Mexicali mix and in his closet, we came back with just a couple of hours before our flight to talk about an order.

We were warmly greeted by Ayu with limited English, a lovely smile, and eagerness to work with us, and thus our working relationship began! It is a joy doing business with women in a male-dominated society.  Despite the language barrier, laughs and smiles are always are in abundance when we get together for reordering the Mexicali favorite patchwork overalls, men’s shirts, and kids' tops too!

]]> 2019-03-05T17:11:00-05:00 2024-01-24T15:37:06-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: ORASA & LILY, THAILAND Afterpay Integration On one of our first buying trips to Thailand––traveling with three young children and one backpack––we came across Orasa and her magical mudmee collection in a busy weekend market in Bangkok. We knew instantly that her mudmee tie dye creations would be a big hit with our customers, who are all about creative color!

After that first buy, both of our businesses have grown together. Fast forward 20 years, and Orasa’s daughter Lily has joined the business, making it SO fun to work with a mother-daughter team!

]]> 2019-03-01T11:24:00-05:00 2024-01-24T15:37:44-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: SANTOSH, INDIA Bryan McDonald Meet Santosh, who with her family and a small group of talented villagers do the wonderful beadwork of the fashion jewelry we find in India. Through the years, our orders have grown and she is most grateful for the work we have given them!

]]> 2019-01-23T14:03:00-05:00 2024-01-24T15:35:59-05:00 MEET THE MEXICALI MAKER: PATRICIA, MEXICO BoostCommerce Collaborator

We met over 20 years ago while wandering through the very crowded and narrow walkways of the local markets, we were drawn to her large selection of silver plated alpaca earrings and the happy banter between employees. To this day there are still some of the original staff from when we made our first buy working with her, which says a lot about their happiness at their workplace!



Patricia is one of the original vendors we met on our first buying trip to Mexico as a family!

We met over 20 years ago while wandering through the very crowded and narrow walkways of the local markets, we were drawn to her large selection of silver plated alpaca earrings and the happy banter between employees. To this day there are still some of the original staff from when we made our first buy working with her, which says a lot about their happiness at their workplace!

Patricia makes our fashion alpaca jewelry, which is a mixed metal coated with silver.  Although it is not sterling silver throughout, it is a less expensive alternative that has the look of silver and can be cleaned with a silver cloth. We also get our ever-popular bobble head funny animals from her, which are made from locally sourced nuts. When we started purchasing these there were only two options, turtles and armadillos. Today there are well over fifty different animals in the funny bobble animal menagerie, ranging from to rabbits to moose!


]]> 2018-12-27T15:18:00-05:00 2023-12-27T15:55:31-05:00 MEET THE MEXICALI MAKER: RABI, NEPAL BoostCommerce Collaborator

Two companies, two generations! Fathers and daughters working together on both sides of the globe.

"On our first trip to Nepal – over 15 years ago – we met Rabi through a mutual friend. We checked out his showroom in Kathmandu and immediately loved his fleece-lined wool, his happy demeanor and jovial spirit, and we knew we were in the right place! Since that time we have really gotten to know his extended family, and have spent many nights having fun, eating meals, and being guided around his hometown and the center of his wool production in the ancient Newari city of Bhaktapur. Rabi is deeply rooted in his community, where he employs many knitters who are able to work at home or in "knitting circles" close to home.

When arriving in Nepal after the massive earthquake in 2015, we visited Rabi and saw first-hand the devastation his town of ancient temples, buildings, and stupas had endured. Many building were destroyed or damaged in this famous World Heritage city. His factory was also structurally damaged and he was working out of a temporary location.

When we arrived, we were greeted with warm smiles and a lively knitting circle of women who were grateful for the orders we were soon to place. Knowing about the hardships they had endured, we ordered much more than normal to do our part to help get these skilled craftswomen back to work. Seeing the resilience of people after such hardship makes one think about things in a whole different light. We felt lucky to be a part of such an inspiring community of artisans. Every time I put on my favorite fleece lined wool hat, I feel grateful to know first-hand the extraordinary people and the extraordinary place where this comes from."

--Mexicali co-owner Kim Erskine



]]> 2018-10-12T16:38:00-04:00 2024-01-25T16:39:20-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: BHARAT & SADAHANA, INDIA BoostCommerce Collaborator

Meet Mexicali makers Bharat and Sadahana! We have been working with this mother/son team for over 10 years in the magical Holy City of Pushkar, India. We found their shop one day while exploring the city when the kids were young. The bright colors were so inviting, we were drawn right in. Little did we know that after walking in we would feel as though we were part of the family, and a long-time business relationship was just about to blossom!

Sadhana and Bharat have been providing navomomslikeme with beautiful magic skirts since our first trip to Pushkar. Welcoming and kind--not to mention Sadhana being an amazing cook--it is a joy to stop by for chai and couple of laughs whenever we are in town!

Their incredible eye for picking out the prettiest and most colorful silk saris to upcycle has made the Mexicali Magic Skirt a long-time customer favorite. New on the scene are Mini Magic Skirts, which can double as a kid's magic skirt! Shop the mini magic skirt here.

Also coming soon for the Holiday season we will be offering the option for another cool thing they've crafted for us: free reusable recycled sari bags as an alternative to our recycled paper bags! Stay tuned for those coming soon to a Mexicali store near you!

]]> 2018-07-09T18:19:00-04:00 2024-01-24T13:18:35-05:00 MEXICALI MAKERS: DANIEL, BALI BoostCommerce Collaborator
Meet Daniel, the awesome Mexicali maker who crafts the unique patchwork pieces in our Java patch collection! Daniel is originally from Timor, an island at the southern end of Southeast Asia, but found his success on the island of Bali making Java patch items. He is yet another one of our collaborators with a contagious smile!
Between he and Pete, the laughter is endless while we pick out and order new styles. We have been doing business with Daniel for over 10 years and feel lucky to have him on our team!
Our customers love his creations from the Java Patch kid's shirt to the all time favorite scrunchie set!