Privacy Policy


Your Privacy is very important to us. We do not sell, rent, or give your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. Please read this privacy policy to learn more about the ways in which we use and protect your personal information.



The privacy practices of this statement apply to our services available under the domain and subdomains of (the " Site") (including By visiting this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree please do not use or access the Site.

By creating an account with, you accept the Privacy Policy and the Conditions of Use, and you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the terms of the Conditions of Use. This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance in registration for new registering users, and is otherwise effective on June 17th, 2005 for all users. 


A Special Note About Children

Children (persons under the age of 18) are not eligible to make purchases from the Site unsupervised and we ask that children do not submit any personal information to us. If you are under the age of 18, you may only use the Site in conjunction with and under the supervision of your parents or guardians.


Information We Collect

Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe, smooth, efficient, and customized experience. This allows us to provide services and features that most likely meet your needs, and to customize our service to make your experience safer and easier. We only collect personal information about you that we consider necessary for achieving this purpose.

In general, you can browse the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. Once you give us your personal information, you are not anonymous to us. If you choose to use our services, we may require you to provide contact and identity information , billing information, shipping information and other personal information as indicated on the forms throughout the Site. Where possible, we indicate which fields are required and which fields are optional. You always have the option to not provide information by choosing not to use a particular service or feature.

Under some circumstances we may require some additional financial information. We use your financial information, including credit card information, to verify the accuracy of your name, address, and other information, as well as to bill you.

We automatically track certain information based upon your shopping behavior on the Site. We use this information to do internal research on our users demographics, interests, and behavior to better understand, protect and serve you and our community.

We use data collection devices such as "cookies" on certain pages of the Site to help analyze our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. "Cookies" are small files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing our services. We offer certain features that are only available through the use of a "cookie". We also use cookies to allow you to enter your password less frequently during a session. Cookies can also help us provide information that is targeted to your interests. Most cookies are "session cookies," meaning that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of a session. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on the Site and you may be required to reenter your password more frequently during a session.

Additionally, you may encounter "cookies" or other similar devices on certain pages of the Site that are placed by third parties. For example, if you view a web page created by a user, there may be a "cookie" placed within that web page. We do not control the use of cookies by third parties.

If you choose to post messages on the Site, we will collect the information you provide to us. We retain this information as necessary to resolve any disputes that may arise.

If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.

For a chart showing what information we collect from or about you, and who has access to that information, please see the Appendix.
Our Use of Your Information

We use your personal information to facilitate the services you request. We use your personal information in the file we maintain about you, and other information we obtain from your current and past activities on the Site to: resolve disputes; troubleshoot problems; help promote safe transactions; collect fees owed; measure consumer interest in our products and services, inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates; customize your experience; detect and protect us against error, fraud and other criminal activity; enforce our Conditions of Use; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection. At times, we may look across multiple users to identify problems or resolve disputes, and in particular we may examine your personal information to identify users with multiple accounts or aliases. We may compare and review your personal information for errors, omissions and for accuracy.

You agree that we may use personal information about you to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyze site usage, improve our content and product offerings, and customize the Sites content, layout, and services. These uses improve the Site and better tailor it to meet your needs.

You agree that we may use your personal information to contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, are targeted to your interests, such as targeted banner advertisements, administrative notices, product offerings, and communications relevant to your use of the Site. By accepting the Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to receive this information. If you do not wish to receive these communications, we encourage you to opt out of the receipt of certain communications on the notification preferences page. You may make changes to your notification preferences at any time.



Our Disclosure of Your Information

As a matter of policy, we do not sell or rent any of your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. The only exception to this is that we may need to provide personal information to service providers related to our business (e.g., deliverers, shipping and packaging agencies, etc.).



Legal Requests cooperates with law enforcement inquiries, as well as other third parties to enforce laws, such as: intellectual property rights, fraud and other rights, to help protect you and the community. Therefore, in response to a verified request by law enforcement or other government officials relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity, we can (and you authorize us to) disclose your name, city, state, telephone number, email address, account history, fraud complaints, and buying history without a subpoena. Without limiting the above, in an effort to respect your privacy and our ability to keep the community free from bad actors, we will not otherwise disclose your personal information to law enforcement or other government officials without a subpoena, court order or substantially similar legal procedure, except when we believe in good faith that the disclosure of information is necessary to: prevent imminent physical harm or financial loss; or report suspected illegal activity.

Due to the existing regulatory environment, we cannot ensure that all of your private communications and other personal information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. By way of example (without limiting the foregoing), we may be forced to disclose personal information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications, or users may abuse or misuse your personal information that they collect from the Site. Therefore, although we adamantly protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private.



Control of Your Password

You are responsible for all actions taken with your User ID and password, including fees charged to your account. Therefore we do not recommend that you disclose your password to any third parties. If you choose to share your User ID and password or your personal information with third parties, you are responsible for all actions taken with your account and therefore you should review that third partys privacy policy. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personal information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. Therefore, if your password has been compromised for any reason, you should immediately change your password as detailed in Section 8.


Accessing, Reviewing and Changing Your Personal Information

We offer you the ability to automatically review and change the information you submit to us by logging into the Site and entering in the new information yourself. Generally, we will not modify your personal information based on your request because it is very difficult to authenticate your account manually. You can change your user Id, email address, contact information, financial information, shipping information and user preferences by going to the preferences and setup section. You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. Once posted, you may not be able to change or remove any public postings made on the Site including our message areas or the feedback area.

Upon your request, we will deactivate your account, contact information, billing information, shipping information, and financial information from our active databases. Such information will be deactivated as soon as reasonably possible based on your account activity and in accordance with our deactivation policy and applicable law.

We will retain in our files some personal information you have requested to remove to prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our Conditions of Use and comply with legal requirements as is permitted by law. Therefore, you should not expect that all of your personal information will be completely removed from our databases in response to your requests. However, such personal information will be deactivated from member viewing and will only be available to select personal.



We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on the Site. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially posted on the Site



Password and Account Security

Every User that has an account on the Site is responsible for (i) keeping his or her account password confidential and secured, (ii) restricting access to such Users computer; and (iii) keeping the e-mail address associated with that account current (User acknowledges that it is important to keep the e-mail address associated with his or her account current because although the User may be able to log into his or her account using an old e-mail address, such User will not receive messages from about his or her orders and inquiries or other matters).

User accepts full responsibility for all activities that occur within such Users account.

Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Site Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.


Smile High Club


To learn more about our Smile High Club rewards program visit the Terms & Conditions.


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